
2017年3月2日—I'mdevelopingaTelegrambot,andIwanttosetthewebhooktomydomain'sURL.I'vealreadygeneratedaself-signedcertificatefollowingthe ...,2019年12月11日—Distraction-freereading.Noads.Organizeyourknowledgewithlistsandhighlights.Tellyourstory.Findyour ...,2023年9月8日—TherearetwowayshowyourbotcanreceivemessagesfromtheTelegramservers.Theyarecalledlongpollingandwebhooks.,Settingawebhookmeansyousup...

How to set Telegram bot webhook?

2017年3月2日 — I'm developing a Telegram bot, and I want to set the webhook to my domain's URL. I've already generated a self-signed certificate following the ...

Laravel使用Telegram做webhook推播 - Nick Zhang

2019年12月11日 — Distraction-free reading. No ads. Organize your knowledge with lists and highlights. Tell your story. Find your ...

Long Polling vs. Webhooks

2023年9月8日 — There are two ways how your bot can receive messages from the Telegram servers. They are called long polling and webhooks.

Marvin's Marvellous Guide to All Things Webhook

Setting a webhook means you supplying Telegram with a location in the form of ...<YOURTOKEN>/setWebhook. Before you can do this, you need ...

Telegram Bot API

Download files without a size limit. Upload files up to 2000 MB. Upload files using their local path and the file URI scheme. Use an HTTP URL for the webhook.

Telegram Bot 學習筆記

2019年8月2日 — Google 一下telegram setWebhook,就會看見蠻多教學是講怎麼拿到webhook 的網址。 這篇是直接用Google Cloud Platform 放Node.js,GCP 產出的網址本身就是 ...

Telegram Bot機器人申請與Webhook指令全紀錄

2020年3月19日 — Telegram, Bot, Bots, Create, Set, Remove, Delete, Webhook.

What is a Telegram Webhook

As we previously said, a Telegram webhook is an easy way to enable real-time communication between Telegram and an external server. By setting up a webhook, you ...

[ChatOps] 簡單介紹如何開發一個Telegram Bot

2020年2月9日 — 然而上面的問題可以改用webhook 來解決,而webhook 模式行為就很簡單:. bot 不會主動去問telegram server 任何訊息. 當telegram server 收到訊息後,主動 ...

第一個Telegram Bot

... bot = new TelegramBot(TOKEN); // This informs the Telegram servers of the new webhook. // because we use self-signed certificate, we must provide ...